M4A1-S | Icarus Fell

CS2 Skin M4A1-S Icarus Fell

The M4A1-S Icarus Fell is a CS2/CS:GO skin from The Gods and Monsters Collection and was introduced 9 years ago on 26 May 2015. The skin is restricted rarity.

Compare Skin Market Prices

The cheapest price for the M4A1-S | Icarus Fell is $451.81.

The lowest price for each variant across all markets are listed in green in the table below.


The M4A1-S Icarus Fell cannot be unboxed from any weapon cases or souvenir packages. It was only available for a limited time and is unlikely to be made available again in the future.


Flavor Text

Turner's betrayal is my failure... I have to make this right - Sebastien Hennequet, Sniper

All Icarus Fell Skins


Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Icarus Fell
$451.81 - $598.57
The Gods and Monsters Collection M4A1-S Icarus Fell Skin & Pricing Details

Alternative M4A1-S Skins

Below are some alternative CS2 skins of Restricted rarity for the M4A1-S:

Dark Water

Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Dark Water
$71.60 - $105.91$109.15 - $169.14
The Arms Deal Collection M4A1-S Dark Water Skin & Pricing Details

Bright Water

Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Bright Water
$25.35 - $45.38$57.35 - $200.00


Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Basilisk
$4.94 - $19.81$14.57 - $49.47
The Vanguard Collection M4A1-S Basilisk Skin & Pricing Details


Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Nitro
$0.22 - $5.08$240.24 - $900.00
The Safehouse Collection M4A1-S Nitro Skin & Pricing Details


Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Flashback
$0.30 - $3.68$1.93 - $15.00

Night Terror

Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Night Terror
$0.33 - $2.57$1.51 - $30.10
The Dreams & Nightmares Collection M4A1-S Night Terror Skin & Pricing Details


Restricted Rifle
M4A1-S Emphorosaur-S
$0.31 - $3.81$1.41 - $14.90