M4A1-S | Blue Phosphor

CS2 Skin M4A1-S Blue Phosphor

The M4A1-S Blue Phosphor is a CS2/CS:GO skin from The Control Collection and was introduced 4 years ago on 03 December 2020. The skin is classified rarity.

Compare Skin Market Prices

The cheapest price for the M4A1-S | Blue Phosphor is $546.10.

The lowest price for each variant across all markets are listed in green in the table below.


The M4A1-S Blue Phosphor cannot be unboxed from any weapon cases or souvenir packages. It was only available for a limited time and is unlikely to be made available again in the future.


All Blue Phosphor Skins


Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor
$546.10 - $876.78

Alternative M4A1-S Skins

Below are some alternative CS2 skins of Classified rarity for the M4A1-S:


Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Guardian
$17.42 - $140.09$46.85 - $320.00
The Winter Offensive Collection M4A1-S Guardian Skin & Pricing Details


Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Knight
$1683.00 - $3613.50$1850.00 - $4849.08
The Cobblestone Collection M4A1-S Knight Skin & Pricing Details

Hot Rod

Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Hot Rod
$858.81 - $1272.03
The Chop Shop Collection M4A1-S Hot Rod Skin & Pricing Details

Master Piece

Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Master Piece
$93.37 - $595.00$93.60 - $1988.13

Atomic Alloy

Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Atomic Alloy
$33.83 - $174.17$36.00 - $197.85


Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Decimator
$9.63 - $45.66$20.82 - $135.43
The Spectrum Collection M4A1-S Decimator Skin & Pricing Details

Control Panel

Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Control Panel
$4.18 - $36.93$29.84 - $884.19

Leaded Glass

Classified Rifle
M4A1-S Leaded Glass
$3.36 - $31.30$9.71 - $50.14
The Spectrum 2 Collection M4A1-S Leaded Glass Skin & Pricing Details