P90 | Astral Jörmungandr

CS2 Skin P90 Astral Jörmungandr

The P90 Astral Jörmungandr is a CS2/CS:GO skin from The Norse Collection and was introduced 5 years ago on 18 November 2019. The skin is restricted rarity.

Skin Pattern Astral Jörmungandr
Rarity Restricted

Compare Skin Market Prices

The cheapest price for the P90 | Astral Jörmungandr is $272.99.

The lowest price for each variant across all markets are listed in green in the table below.


The P90 Astral Jörmungandr cannot be unboxed from any weapon cases or souvenir packages. It was only available for a limited time and is unlikely to be made available again in the future.



A silver and blue pattern depicting Jörmungandr, the World Serpent, has been applied.

Flavor Text

Wake the gods

All Astral Jörmungandr Skins


Restricted SMG
P90 Astral Jörmungandr
$248.96 - $450.45

Alternative P90 Skins

Below are some alternative CS2 skins of Restricted rarity for the P90:

Blind Spot

Restricted SMG
P90 Blind Spot
$7.49 - $13.65$11.10 - $49.33
The eSports 2013 Winter Collection P90 Blind Spot Skin & Pricing Details


Restricted SMG
P90 Chopper
$0.46 - $3.00$0.99 - $8.32
The Gamma Collection P90 Chopper Skin & Pricing Details


Restricted SMG
P90 Virus
$1.35 - $4.92$3.18 - $43.40
The eSports 2014 Summer Collection P90 Virus Skin & Pricing Details

Death Grip

Restricted SMG
P90 Death Grip
$4.55 - $48.00$9.87 - $45.71
The Operation Hydra Collection P90 Death Grip Skin & Pricing Details

Vent Rush

Restricted SMG
P90 Vent Rush
$0.31 - $1.84$0.62 - $5.09
The Recoil Collection P90 Vent Rush Skin & Pricing Details


Restricted SMG
P90 Neoqueen
$0.28 - $1.90$0.55 - $5.61
The Revolution Collection P90 Neoqueen Skin & Pricing Details

ScaraB Rush

Restricted SMG
P90 ScaraB Rush
$2.41 - $20.79$2.79 - $40.59

Randy Rush

Restricted SMG
P90 Randy Rush
$0.54 - $8.00$1.48 - $13.67
The Gallery Collection P90 Randy Rush Skin & Pricing Details