P2000 | Granite Marbleized

CS2 Skin P2000 Granite Marbleized

The P2000 Granite Marbleized is a CS2/CS:GO skin from The Italy Collection and was introduced 11 years ago on 27 November 2013. The skin is industrial rarity.

The Granite Marbleized is available in souvenir quality and can be unboxed from souvenir packages.

Compare Skin Market Prices

The cheapest price for the P2000 | Granite Marbleized is $0.04.

The lowest price for each variant across all markets are listed in green in the table below.


The P2000 Granite Marbleized cannot be unboxed in normal quality. It can only be unboxed in souvenir quality from the following souvenir packages:


Flavor Text


All Granite Marbleized Skins


Industrial Pistol
P2000 Granite Marbleized
$0.04 - $3.10$22.35 - $263.16

Alternative P2000 Skins

Below are some alternative CS2 skins of Industrial rarity for the P2000:

Grassland Leaves

Industrial Pistol
P2000 Grassland Leaves
$9.61 - $199.07


Industrial Pistol
P2000 Grassland
$2.24 - $199.07$0.04 - $36.79
The Overpass Collection P2000 Grassland Skin & Pricing Details

Coach Class

Industrial Pistol
P2000 Coach Class
$8.05 - $47.49


Industrial Pistol
P2000 Pathfinder
$23.77 - $94.99
The Gods and Monsters Collection P2000 Pathfinder Skin & Pricing Details

Panther Camo

Industrial Pistol
P2000 Panther Camo
$2.54 - $26.32$0.04 - $99.99

Coral Halftone

Industrial Pistol
P2000 Coral Halftone
$0.14 - $0.80
The Graphic Design Collection P2000 Coral Halftone Skin & Pricing Details