PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis

CS2 Skin PP-Bizon Judgement of Anubis

The PP-Bizon Judgement of Anubis is a CS2 skin from The Chroma 3 Collection and was introduced 7 years ago on 27 April 2016. The skin is covert rarity.

The Judgement of Anubis has a 0.64% chance of being unboxed from a weapon case in Standard quality. The chance of unboxing it in StatTrak quality is much lower at 0.064%.

Compare Skin Market Prices

The cheapest price for the PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis is $3.63. The most expensive price by comparison is $38.99.

The lowest price for each variant across all markets are listed in green in the table below.


The PP-Bizon Judgement of Anubis can be unboxed from the following containers:

Weapon CaseChroma 3 Case

Consumer Grade Container
Chroma 3 Case
Offers starting from$1.69
Introduced: 27 April 2016


Flavor Text

Its trigger weighs lighter than a feather

All Judgement of Anubis Skins

Judgement of Anubis

Covert SMG
PP-Bizon Judgement of Anubis
$3.60 - $10.35$10.09 - $45.04

Alternative PP-Bizon Skins

Below are some alternative CS2 skins of Covert rarity for the PP-Bizon: